Whats the best Cartridge for a bright Pro-ject 9 ?

I just got a Pro-ject 9 here on Audiogon about 3 weeks ago. I'm having trouble matching a cartridge with it. It sounds high pitched and very analytical with a Sumiko Blue Point on it. The Blue Point sounded great on my Nad 533 but sounds wrong on the Pro-ject 9. The bass sounds bloated and the highs have a hiss and there is hardly any mid range. The turntable is in great condition. Someone recommended the Ruby CL by Sound Smith but I fear it won't warm up the sound. The previous owner recommended a Grado. Any more recommendations?
Since I wrote my question my system has warmed up quite a bit. I do have it connected to the 47hz output. I'm still using the Music Fidelity XLPSv3 phono pre amp which has more warmth then the PS Audio GCPH I borrowed but not as much detail. The PS Audio GCPH has its own volume control so you can run it straight to a amp or Rogue Audio mono blocks like I do. Can anyone recommend a good phono pre amp? My Music Fidelity is nice but not the best when it comes to detail , the PS Audio is too edgy and brighter then the Music Fidelity. Remember I'm using a Dynavecter 20x high output.
Can anyone recommend a good phono pre amp?
Almost anything will be an upgrade to the MF X-LPSv3. I found that it lacked any sense of warmth, three dimensional soundstage or lifelike realism when compared to an EAR 834P, Wright WPP100c, WPP200c, and Hagerman Cornet2. Other phono stages that easily outperform the X-LPS are: Jolida JD-9a, Pro-Ject Tube Box SE, Grado PH-1, Bottlehead Seduction, Juicy Music Tercel, AES/Cary PH-1

Is your Dynavector DV 20x high or low output?
Make sure Bluepoint is well broken in and the VTA is not too high. Sounds like you might have both problems. I've got the Sumiko Blackbird and it's wonderful with my Pro-ject RM10.

I have the high output Dynavector. I'm looking to get a new phono amp. A friend of mine suggested the battery powered Nova. Any more suggestions? I thought the PS Audio was to edgy.