Mapleshade tweaks

Has anyone tried any of the various Mapleshade products and tweaks? Are their interconnects as clearly better as they say vs. AQ or Kimber at similar price points? How about their power cords? Do their maple equipment and speaker platforms make enough difference to justify spending $100-500? How about their footers? Their CD treatments? Their Samson equipment racks? Thanks in advance.
Piedpiper asks: "Not to beat a dead horse but I'm guessing this was a matter of taste or compatibility. What specifically was your complaint?"

I respond:

I set up a comparison in my 2 channel system. I A,B'd the Mapleshade Golden Paralell Long Run cable against my SignalCable Ultra Speaker Cables. SignalCable makes very good wire for a fraction of the cost of the big boys. Although the lengths of each cable make the comparison a bit unfair (the Mapleshade was 20', the SignalCable was 10').

Using a pair of Dunlavy SC-3's as my monitors,(which are good to around 40-45HZ, depending on room placement), and a Von Scheikert VS-1 powered sub to reach down to, say, 25HZ or so, these are the results that I heard:

The Mapleshade wire cast a slight blanket over the presentation, making it sound a bit dull and less brilliant. The highs, particularly the air around ride cymbals, was noticably rolled back. And the lower register was also deadened quite a bit. I lost alot of impact and slam below 80HZ. The difference was real obvious. It just sounded awful.

So, a matter of personal taste? I don't think so. Compatibility? Maybe.

I am merely stating my experience with a manufacturer's product that a fellow 'goner sought out. That's all. Nothing personal.
Thanks Judsauce, for your honest and thorough communique. I haven't done exhaustive comparisons with the Parallel Long Run, and I haven't heard the cables you compared them to, but I will say that they were a major upgrade from Kimber 8TC in a customers system, although definitely not bright if that's your cuppa.

I went through the whole bit with Mapleshade cones under everything one piece of gear at a time, and then when it was all finished put heavy hats on all of that and it was nice but, you know what, after a few months of fun with all those boxes of cones coming in I realized I just plain wasn't listening to my system anymore and when I took all those cones out my system it sounded so dramatic, obviously better and overall correct that I learned not to mess with it anymore. As my wise dealer here in Milwaukee said, "you fixed it, fixed it, fixed it, and fixed the hell out of it". Yes, it's the tweaking conundrum or trap. The mind craves change, yes, but most likely your system and gear sound their best and the most authentic without these draining tweaks...
Try Boston Audio tune blocks under preamp. and other components, one at a time. The result might be different.