Two terms I don't understand - please explain


I've read through this forum as well as forums on other sites and there are two (2) terms that I don't understand: "Slam" and "Prat" when discussing turntables, cartridges, etc.

Could someone kindly explain to this idiot what they actually describe?

Thanks and regards,

Misnomer for dynamics and timing (as defined by Collins).

I recommend to all to stop using terms that you can't explain in specific terms.
Yeah, but nothing to do with rhythm and pace. Also, it no one here described timing accurately at all. An acronymn that's only 1/3d right is pretty misleading, IMHO.

A "prat" is convinced he has better hearing and a far more resolving system than others. The normal "prat" behaviour is to "slam" inferiors with little explanation or constructive advice other than anecodotes. If you don't get it then you are either deaf or don't have a "resolving system". Typical manifestation is a preference for extremely expensiove boutique brands, totally inexplicable phenomena and a snobbish condescending attitude to any conventional consumer gear as being woefully inadequate. If a component is cheap then it can't possibly be any good.

Occasionally "prats" will band together unanimously and bash a successful consumer audio company like Bose - this is called a "Grand Slam".

Most audiophiles are real "prats", and of course I include myself among this esteemed group!!! ;-)