Cartridge suggestions mmf-7.1

I have a new music hall mmf-7.1 with the lo version of the eroica . though not bad, there is something missing. i'm contemplating moving up to a vpi scout or rega p5. least i believe it would be a move up. before i do, should i try a different cartridge? dynavector, or something? the phono stage is a pro-ject tube box seII.
Has nothing to do with the table, yes you need a cart.... Go with an Ortofon for very powerful rock and roll, go with a Denon if you really want a super sweet and good natural more analog sound.. Both powerful carts on these tables and arms.

By the way a scout or rega would not in my opinion step up at all if you can setup a music hall table with care, maybe invest in a good Digital stylus gauge to really start tweaking the sound, oh and getting a 3" thick maple block to set you table on and level it will be a killer upgrade, along with dumping any thin cheesy felt table mat, get a Herbies way excellent mat, about 60 bucks, but will sound like a 600 dollar upgrade and get rid of your static!

Good luck
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Thanks for the replies. I was kinda thinking it was more the cart than the table. I have a digital gauge on the way, along with the zerodust. Already put a Herbies mat on. The table, along with all other components, is on an adona nemisis stand with the multi-element granite isolation platforms.

Which model Ortofon or Denon would you recommend? Oh, which protractor for setup?