Cartridge suggestions mmf-7.1

I have a new music hall mmf-7.1 with the lo version of the eroica . though not bad, there is something missing. i'm contemplating moving up to a vpi scout or rega p5. least i believe it would be a move up. before i do, should i try a different cartridge? dynavector, or something? the phono stage is a pro-ject tube box seII.
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Thanks for the replies. I was kinda thinking it was more the cart than the table. I have a digital gauge on the way, along with the zerodust. Already put a Herbies mat on. The table, along with all other components, is on an adona nemisis stand with the multi-element granite isolation platforms.

Which model Ortofon or Denon would you recommend? Oh, which protractor for setup?
With the Pro-Ject tonearm on the Music Hall, you will likely get the best results overall with a medium compliance catridge that weighs less than 7 grams.

I have learned this from experience with the MMF-7. The tonearm is not designed to handle the heavier cartridges and it doesn't like low compliance cartridges in particular.

Best regards,
Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products
This is presicely why I am hoping for days like the ones 30 years ago. I owned Yamaha YP 211 it was all set up and if you wore down a stylus you simply yanked out the cantelever and any entrails and inserted a new one at the stereo store. There are almost none around now and the owners may only have a passing interest in vinyl.
BTW I own 8 tables MMF 5 is amongst them but it has a MM cart. I am searching for my holy grail a linear tracking easy speed control with a fantastic p-mount. I almost bought another table today at a flea market. The Duals are making so many waves these days I thought about it but it didn't even have a stylus!And a cracked dust cover and it was filthy.
The Scout and Dynevector I own was factory installed and were engineered to synergize I don't know if you want all that sesitivity it makes quite a bit of noise . Yes I own a VPI record Cleaning machine I can wash till it is so clean (Think of something other than eat off it).
You really might be looking at a better phono stage . They have an enormous impact on the type and sensitivity your TT is trying to convey. The tube box I am sure is OK, but I would be surprized if you couldn't find one that will get. I have legendary phono stage , others use that term not me, in an ARC SP6B. It is truly high gain a hyper neutral. I like a little bit of expansion "more air" and color from a pronounced lower midrange.
With your table I think a Dynevector would not stand up, they seem so delicate you could squash like a fly. The Ortofon sounds like the right cartridge. I think I'll get one myself.
Yes I suggest the Denon 301 II from japan or the Denon 103r if you have a MC phonoamp capable of it, and as above I agree on the little big lower weight, I would go up to about 8 grams on anything, but you will get to a point that you will need to order the Heavyweight from Sumiko in california, the stock weight I believe is 60 grams, the heavyweight for that are is 90 grams and can take on bigger carts.. Like the ZU modded Denon for example. Ortofon Kontrapunkt series carts are really good on that table, but pretty expensive at over 1000 bucks for most models and they get a tad on the heavy side at 10.5 grams.