What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range?

I want to take the plunge and buy a good used turntable. I don't want anything that requires a lot of tweaking or constant supervision, but I do want the highest resolving and best sound table I can buy. My range is $2500 or so but could go a bit higher if necessary. I'll buy it used so that should give me a bit more buying power.
The Technics is a great table for the money and certainly "no fuss no muss" but to say that it across the board beats tables at that budget used is not consistent with my experience to say the least. You've got a lot of choices at that price used, from Basis, Clearaudio, SOTA, VPI, Rega, Kuzma, etc.. Also you can do better for that money than a Rega RB300 arm.
Thank you Rccc........thats exaclty what I was saying, no tricked out Technics is going to beat a SOTA period.
The Technics is a cute table and a high value product.

However, the arm is extraordinarily ordinary and overall the package does not compete with the SOTA, Basis, Acoustic Solid, Nottingham etc. tables priced at the $2500 level.

It is in the Music Hall, Project, Rega, league.

Good luck.

05-07-08: Audiofeil
The Technics is a cute table and a high value product.

However, the arm is extraordinarily ordinary and overall the package does not compete with the SOTA, Basis, Acoustic Solid, Nottingham etc. tables priced at the $2500 level.

It is in the Music Hall, Project, Rega, league.
Where do Clearaudio and VPI sort out?

Oh, BTW, wouldn't a Michell Gyro SE fall right into the price/performance category the original poster is looking for? I'd look really hard at that, or a Funk with fully modded OL-1 or Silver tonearm.
Thanks guys. I think I'm trying to shoot a bit higher here than the modified Technics suggestion while I'm sure it's an excellent product. I just want a table that can keep up with the rest of my system.

Keep 'em coming. Specifically can anyone compare the wilson benesch tables to others named here?