I walked into a dealer and got a shock....

I walked into a local Hi-Fi dealer with what I thought was just a turntable (Reaga P25 with Sumiko Blackbird Cart) needing minor repair. My vinyl sound has been a bit thin and the platter was making a grinding noise at startup and sometimes needing a push to get the platter moving. I described the rest of my system (Pro-Ject Tube Box SE II, Linn Kollektor, Mac MC402, Dali MS5's) and the size of my room (14x16) and the fact that the CD playback (Marantz DV7600)
It was suggested that my system was not matched and basically "too much electronics for a room that size". They recommended I replace the Linn preamp and the Mac Amp with an Audio Research VSi55 integrated (tubes). The price of the AR is about half of what I paid for the items that would be replaced. I understand price does not always equal performance. But I am shocked, especially since I just bought these items. Any thoughts on this suggested combination?
You ever hear the story about the frog and the scorpion - same thing, except he's a salesman....don't take it personal, just play the game.

Response #1 - "lets get the turntable fixed first, then we can talk about some of your ideas for changes to my system."
Response #2 - "sounds like you have some interesting ideas about my system. I like the way it sounds now so any component change would have to sound substantially better before I would spend the money. If you really think I would like XYZ that much, let me take it home and play it for a week in my system, then I will tell you what I think."
Remember the golden rule... and you have the gold.
What was that famous line in the movie, 'Amadeus' where, after hearing one of Mozart's longer works, the King remarked...

"Too many notes...."
Thanks for all the responses. You guys help quite a bit. I'm looking for another avenue to get the TT looked at and repaired. Hopefully its just in need of oil or some other easy fix. As for the AR, a free audition is tempting if for no other reason than to check out tubes. A way to learn with no obligation. I agree with the posts relative to the dealer.
It is common, although not always correct, to think that less power gets you more finesse. It is quite possible that the salesman felt the MAC was overkill "for a room that size" and that you'd get better sound by going for quality rather than quantity. ...and MAC is not everyones cup of tea.

BTW, another vote for starting the platter by hand, always a good idea for any table. The sound you're hearing is simply the belt rubbing on the pulley before the momentum of the platter catches up with the motor. This happens even on new Regas sometimes.
Come on Pied, unless you know something specific about the Mac, don't speculate about this stuff. My 1000 watt Rowland Continuum 500 is just hunky-dorry idling at 1 watt (sweet and transparent, better than my single-ended, micro-watt, Class A tube amp). I don't know about the Mac other than general reputation, but there's no reason to believe that just because it's powerful that it can't work at low wattage.

I know that what you say can be true with some poorly designed amps, but I don't expect it of Mac.
