I'm the North American co-distributor for Lampizator and I would like to clear up some confusion. We make a USB converter ( converts USB to SPIDF) and a SPIDF transport ( aka the Digilampizator ). Two different products. The transport is a higly modified Squeezebox DUET with a tube rectified PSU and a tube SPIDF output. The tubed SPIDF allows us to output a perfect sinewave to our DACS. It is a cinch to setup, much easier then any turntable. I had a mac mini previously but sold it once I heard the Digilampizator transport.
Me and Fred ( Gopher )admittedly had weather related problems getting all our gear to the show on time. Not until Friday did we have what I thought was exceptional sound quality. Can't please all the people all the time, but we are very happy that we pleased many nonetheless.
Me and Fred ( Gopher )admittedly had weather related problems getting all our gear to the show on time. Not until Friday did we have what I thought was exceptional sound quality. Can't please all the people all the time, but we are very happy that we pleased many nonetheless.