Best table/arm/cartridge for $12K/ Dartzeel Preamp

Also, check out this website.
I heard this combination today on a system I am very familier with. It would be at the top of your budget bought new, so not sure what you could save buying used.
VPI Aires III table/Dynavector 507 MKII arm/Dynavector XV-1s cartridge. sound was really good. I would think buying the table and arm used you could add the VPI SDS and ring and center clamp also. This rig was without the SDS.
VPI Aries 3 table, VPI mini super feet, center clamp with the Dynavector 507 MKII & Dynavector DV 17D3 w/SDS. I'm waiting on the ring.

It was actually setup Saturday morning. If I must say so myself it's a sweet sound and It looks like a nice piece of art. BTW it was less then $12k brand new.

I wish I would have seen your thread about the Dnyavector DV 17D3 cartridge before I listen to the dealers recommendation. I think the 17D3 is the weak link in my analog setup. I'm not happy with this cartridge at all... Awesome turntable & tone-arm with a lack luster cartridge.

I knew I should have bit the bullet and listen to my first thought and went with the DV XX2 MKII or DV DRT XV-1s. If my dealer was smart he would take this cartridge back and allow me to upgrade.
These are the times when it's nice to have a good relationship with your local dealer. I talked with my dealer today regarding how dissatisfied I am with my current cartridge. He agreed to take my cartridge back and let me upgrade... That's cooler then the other side of the pillow.

Now my TT & tone-arm setup will be cooking with gas. :O)
Has anyone had any experience with the the Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua cartridge? How do you like sonically? Did it make you go "Wow"?

Thanks in advance.