Best table/arm/cartridge for $12K/ Dartzeel Preamp

Also, check out this website.

I wish I would have seen your thread about the Dnyavector DV 17D3 cartridge before I listen to the dealers recommendation. I think the 17D3 is the weak link in my analog setup. I'm not happy with this cartridge at all... Awesome turntable & tone-arm with a lack luster cartridge.

I knew I should have bit the bullet and listen to my first thought and went with the DV XX2 MKII or DV DRT XV-1s. If my dealer was smart he would take this cartridge back and allow me to upgrade.
These are the times when it's nice to have a good relationship with your local dealer. I talked with my dealer today regarding how dissatisfied I am with my current cartridge. He agreed to take my cartridge back and let me upgrade... That's cooler then the other side of the pillow.

Now my TT & tone-arm setup will be cooking with gas. :O)
Has anyone had any experience with the the Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua cartridge? How do you like sonically? Did it make you go "Wow"?

Thanks in advance.
Nice system.

12 grand for a turntable, arm and cartridge.

I would give some serious thought for a TW Raven model one.
A new cartridge and a used arm, this is with in your budget.

Jonathan Valin of TAS has reveiwed the Raven AC model along side the mighty Walker Black Diamond with more to come in TAS.

Go to AV, click on forums, click on Turntables and related gear.
Click on ASS Gabriel Davinci turntable.

Valin has afew more comments on the Raven including talk about a shoot off with the Raven, Walker and Davinci tables soon.

More information on the TW Raven tables can be found at.

High Water
Thanks for the responses. I was sold on a table that would've cost me more than 20 grand after tonearm and cartridge, but before pulling the trigger I found a great deal on my recently acquired Dynaudio Temptations. I am very happy with this purchase. I upgraded from the Dyn C-2's which I really enjoyed, but I knew eventually I would want to go up one notch to the world-class level. Since my second choice in tables ended up being the Sota Cosmos, I ended up ordering it with the Origin Live Conquest tonearm and Dynavector XV1s cartridge. I need to wait 6 weeks for delivery so in the meantime I will seek out the great vinyl recordings. Thanks again for the replies.