First used turntable +- $20,000. Any suggestions?

Hi all,

I've been into audio for several years but never ready looked into turntables. Since a few of my friends telling me they like the sound of turntables much much more than CD I might make the switch as well.

Since new is too expensive I will be looking on the second hand market. Could anyone advise me on a superb table that will be max. $20,000 (incl. cartridge, arm etc etc) on the used market? What are the brands to look for and are there particular things I need to watch out for when buying second hand turn tables?

Appreciate your thoughts.

I would describe analytical as a very bright, lean sound, lacking in the mid-bass, it can also be very detailed. It can be very impressive at first but fatiguing after some extended listening. Some examples of analytical equipment are anything by Krell or MBL.

I also agree with Detlof's description. To me something musical just sounds more like the real thing. It's less artificial sounding, has more air and bloom to it. It's full and lush sounding. Instruments in systems that are musical sound like they do in real life, yet you are drawn into the music as a whole. You find your toes tapping and you are connected and moved emotionally.

I don't like analytical sounding gear. It sounds wrong to me, but lots of people like it, and it makes them happy, so whatever.

I forgot to mention this is a must have with a turntable, wet dry cleaner record cleaner. Adding that to the purchase you will still have change left over from the $20k to purchase plenty of vinyl for your musical pleasure... :O)

1. VPI Typhoon Record Cleaner $2000.00

I wouldn't lump the recording into the definition of analytical vs musical debate. Yes there are bad recordings that one could say fall under my definition of analytical;however, when they all sound that way, well that is when you have a bad system. I think that is the point.

I do agree with your comment about not having to give up details for naturalness. My system is very detailed;it's just that those details don't jump in my face and yell "look at me".

the relevance of the recording is that most recordings are hyped, and one could make a case for owning a system that makes "normal" recordings sound ok. One could also make a case for owning a system that sounds good only with premium non-hyped recordings. Personally, my system doesn't add insult to injury but within that context I aspire to as much natural detail as I can get. Sounds like we're on the same page.
You could do quite well picking up a Goldmund Studio and then then trying a few cartridges to find your best match with the rest of your equipment.