Ortofon 2M Black- Graham 1.5/Rega/Origin Silver

I'm a fan of moving magnet cartridges and the new ORTOFON 2M BLACK has caught my attention.
I was wondering if the Ortofon would be suitable in either a Graham 1.5, a Rega 300/1000 or an Origin LIve Silver. I like the idea of the Graham, but I'm not sure of the compliance issues and the overall match. Your thoughts?
Here's a thread on Vinyl Asylum you might find helpful. The poster/2M Black owner has it mounted on a VPI JMW9 tonearm, and he has owned quite a few upscale MM carts over the years. He considers the 2M Black the best MM he's ever used or heard.

A JMW 9 has an effective mass of 8.7 g, so the resonant frequency with an Ort. 2M Black would be 8.23 Hz, which is in the same ballpark as with the heavier RB300 or OL Silver.
The 2M series work very well with low to medium effective mass tonearms.

I would not use it in the Rega (Origin) tonearms; it is a bad match. The resonant frequency of 7.23Hz is not a "little" low. It is low; substantially below the magical 10Hz bogey number.

Moerch, Hadcock, and VPI among others are far more compatible.

Dealer disclaimer.
05-15-08: Oregon
The 2M is reviewed in the current (just got it yesterday) TAS.
I just got mine yesterday too. I'll look it up.

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the responses. No, the 2M is not a good match on the Rega/ Origin Live type of tonearm. The Vinyl Asylum link was helpful, thanks. So, no one thought the Graham 1.5 was a goer? Methinks the Hadcock is marvelous option. I will investigate.
Sssoooooo, what DID the TAS review say about the 2M Black??? My TAS sub ran out years ago... I hooked up cable internet instead. There is a real buzz regarding the 2M Black. What high output it has too.