Ortofon 2M Black- Graham 1.5/Rega/Origin Silver

I'm a fan of moving magnet cartridges and the new ORTOFON 2M BLACK has caught my attention.
I was wondering if the Ortofon would be suitable in either a Graham 1.5, a Rega 300/1000 or an Origin LIve Silver. I like the idea of the Graham, but I'm not sure of the compliance issues and the overall match. Your thoughts?
05-15-08: Oregon
The 2M is reviewed in the current (just got it yesterday) TAS.
I just got mine yesterday too. I'll look it up.

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the responses. No, the 2M is not a good match on the Rega/ Origin Live type of tonearm. The Vinyl Asylum link was helpful, thanks. So, no one thought the Graham 1.5 was a goer? Methinks the Hadcock is marvelous option. I will investigate.
Sssoooooo, what DID the TAS review say about the 2M Black??? My TAS sub ran out years ago... I hooked up cable internet instead. There is a real buzz regarding the 2M Black. What high output it has too.
To all: I have been running the 2M black for the past 3 months, two arms - the RB600 and an older SME3009ll. My main cart is the Clearaudio Maestro Wood, now 1 yr old. On the RB arm the 2M is a little flat where the Maestro has more of a soundstage. Now on the SME arm, the 2M really sings. To compare the two, the 2M has more punch in the bass and is very open plus a higher output. The Maestro is more delicate and detailed. I like them both but still hold the Maestro as a better cart. 2M is a great deal at $600 or so.
Hello DSA,

You mean the 2M black is not a good match to Rega (RB300) ? I heard exactly the opposite, that´s is perfect for this arm.I think that even in the Ortofon website there is a picture showing a 2M black assembled in a Rega´s tonearm...

Thank you,
