Which TT Music Hall 5.1 or Rega P1 or P2

I am look into picking up a entry level TT in the $400.00 to $650.00 range. I auditioned the Rega P1 & the Project Debut and prefered the Rega. I cannot find a local dealer for Music Hall TT that has them to audition. How is the Music Hall 5.1 compared to the Rega's in that price range. Thanks for any feedback. My system consist of:

Plinius 9200 integrated amp
Dynaudio Focus 140's speakers on Sound Anchor 3 post stands
Naim cdp cd5i-2
All FMS cables
I concur with Hodu.
I've owned an MMF 5 Se and recently upgraded to a Scout. There was a clear difference with rock and even with just acoustic guitar and voice. The salesman for both tables referred to the MMF as "lazy" compared to the Scout and I think that is a fairly apt description.
Another former MMF-5 owner. Go with the P2! Kmulkey, I also went from the MMF-5 (though not SE) to the Scout and lazy is an accurate term in comparison to the Scout.
I hope you can forgive this interjection of a Japanese direct drive turntable in the thread, but the price range you mention is right in that ballpark, and it offers an interesting alternative, both operationally and sonically.

You can get a Technics SL1210 M5G from Amazon for $598.95. I actually got mine at a Guitar Center and negotiated down to $500. This model has the upgraded tonearm wire. I added KAB's fluid damper, bringing its total price to $650 and I really like it operationally and musically for every kind of music I throw at it, with great s/n, dynamics, slam, depth of image, and (when properly platformed) inner detail. I've lived with it for over a year and am far happier and more satisfied than I could have imagined when I brought it home.

You can also get a Denon DP500M at BrandToyz.com on sale for $561 (down from $700).

If there is one thing DD turntables are not, it is lazy! They are rhythmic and propulsive with great slam and drive. They are also extremely well built, precisely engineered, machined and assembled, and easy and smooth to use.

The Denon is designed for home use and has a lot of anti-vibration engineered into its physical design.