Which TT Music Hall 5.1 or Rega P1 or P2

I am look into picking up a entry level TT in the $400.00 to $650.00 range. I auditioned the Rega P1 & the Project Debut and prefered the Rega. I cannot find a local dealer for Music Hall TT that has them to audition. How is the Music Hall 5.1 compared to the Rega's in that price range. Thanks for any feedback. My system consist of:

Plinius 9200 integrated amp
Dynaudio Focus 140's speakers on Sound Anchor 3 post stands
Naim cdp cd5i-2
All FMS cables
After owning a Music Hall MMF5 and performing a direct shootout with a Rega P25 (with RB1000 arm, I believe), I would recommend the Technics SL1210 M5G from KAB.
I currently own both a Rega P1 and a Project Debut III. The P1 has been up graded with the Glass Platter option and the Debut with the Acrylic Platter and a speed box II. Cartridges are a Grace F9 Ruby in the Rega and an AT30HE moving Coil in the Project. Now with all that established I like the Rega better as it just seems to sound more open and "real" (even when both tables had their original Ortofon OM5E cartridges). The Acrylic platter was a significant upgrade for the Project as was the speed box. But, If I had to choose between them it would be the Rega. I realize these are not the models you are considering but both Rega and Project seem to have a "Family Sound" in their "flat plinth" product lines. Music Hall tables are basically similar to those from Project (as they are manufactured in the same facility) but the comparable Music Hall versions tend to have a few few more features at slightly higher price levels ie: the MH 2.2 has VTA adjustment the Project Debut III does not. The sound of both models is quite similar.
I hear a lot of votes for Denon and Technics tables. I recognise that they might be very well designed plinths with motors, but aren't they all direct drive and would not you need to upgrade their tonearms to get Hi-Fi sound?
Or those Technics and Denons come with great tonearms as well?
I am asking becasue I her universally that the best budget tonearm is Rega 300, so....I am curious.
Your system warrants better than the P1 or 2. For your budget, within the Rega
line, you'd do best to find a used P3/24 which has the option of the outboard
power supply. This is a major upgrade. It is also upgraded in various ways from
the older P3. It'd be well worth scrimping on the cartridge in the short run if
your budget is tight.

dealer disclosure.
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