Aethetix IO Signature Question

Is it a very musical phono stage?
Thanks for the input. I hope it sounds well with my Krell Solid State equipment.
Hmmm, let me put it this way... A friend just replaced three tweaked out KPEs with an Aesthetix Rhea and the improvement in his system was dramatic. The Aesthetix Rhea devestates the Krell and the Aesthetix Io Signature plays in the league above the Rhea.
The IO Sifnature is a wonderful, great sounding phono stage with only one potential issue.
Tubes rush noise. Used with LOMC's it was noisy in my system when I was playing a reasonable volume, so I had to rule it out.
If you play a lower volumes, or can get it to sound quieter with NOS tubes like some owners do, you could be in vinyl heaven forever.