New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
Hi Bill, I understand your hesitancy when it comes to losing the beauty of the Jensen's warmth but it sounds like you have some warmth to spare considering the EL-34's in the Thor (I love that tube, its been my long term favorite output tube for almost 20 years)... add in the Audio Note coppers and it makes me think there should be room to swing back a little 'true-er'.
After all my above assertions I agree that the Duelunds will bring you closer to the real thing and I am reinforcing that but I also want to remind you that, based on your equipment it's obvious that you (understandably ) enjoy a bit of warmth in your system.
I still have one of the amps I used before the TRL's (thank you for your compliment) which is my Cary SA 280 V12R that also uses the Jensens and EL-34's.So believe me when I mention that not only is it OK to linger on the warmish side...I've lived there myself with thousands of hours of musical enjoyment and the only criticism (too strong a word but I'm making a point) is that it did veer from the truth. But, after
thousands of hours I can easily say: "so what?".
Point is, yes, you will get a considerably more truthful presentation and you will be very will truly enjoy its candor and its lack of accent flavorings and you will know right away it's more of what the truth is. But, if you are anything like me (sentimental but usually reluctant to admit it) you will not/should never sell the Jensens because in your mind you will have to know that IF you ever wanted to 'go back', even for a brief could always pop them back in and reminisce about the old days.
Good luck, enjoy. Report back!
Knghifi, the reality is that almost everything at CES or any show is new. That is why at Friday through Sunday shows, you really should just show up on Sunday.
If this is reality and believe in break in period, why bother showcasing your system if they are not at its best? It could do more harm than good when 1st impression is crucial. What do you do before selling a car or house?

Components take time to settle plus fine tuning so usually sounds best on the last day from my experience.

I'm happy that the Offramp/Dynamo combination is working so well for you. Like I said before it doesn't surprise me at all, I've heard only great things about Empirical Audio gear and their effectiveness in reducing jitter.

I am a bit surprised though that you state there is a night and day difference between the two inputs. My friend that bought my L4/G4 (just like yours with Jensens)hooked it up via SPDIF through the Empirical Offramp4 and though he said it sounded better than his Mojo Audio DAC, he expected much more. He then tried the USB input from his modded Mac Mini and finally heard the Lamp magic. It could be that the Offramp 5 is an entirely different beast than the O4, I don't know, but I was making that comparison so that folks know that the USB input can be VERY rewarding for sure.

In my case, I have never used a SPDIF converter. The O5 all dressed up could cost near $3k+, so I chose to go a different route and use the extra $$$$ to reduce jitter from the computer's USB port and provide clean power to the server. I think the 2010 Mac Mini is a very noisy server compared to a Windows 8 CAPs server (IMO), but it has a very BIG and warm sound so it might fit better in some systems. The Windows 2012 PC server I'm using right now sounds pretty darn good. It makes the Mac Mini sound veiled and colored. I've never had a 2009 Mac Mini/O5/Dynamo in my system and am curious to know how it would stack up against my server. I'll have to borrow an O5/Dynamo someday to kill my curiosity but for now the USB input on my Lamp does my music justice.

Regarding the Jensens vs Duelands. With vocals, the nod goes to the Jensens, there's just a sweetness to them that really gets to me. But overall, the Duelands are better especially with complex music. The Jensens just fall apart, like a 45 tube trying to power inefficient speakers. The Duelands don't smear and can delineate instruments with uncanny ability. Resolution is amazing as well. You will not get the warmth of the Jensens, but as Lissnr put it, the Duelands just sounds REAL.

Have you ever tried a Windows based PC before in your system?

Happy Listening!
Knghifi, yours is a very good question. Most of the answer, I think, centers on not being organized. Many, especially small, manufacturers don't have stock to devote to prepare for the shows, including, of course, break in. Certainly TAD is one clear exception. They may seek better rooms and may fine tune their systems, but I have not heard much difference from day one onward.

But I should add that the use of hotel rooms is another major problem. Most are pretty awful. CES's putting the high end audio in the Venetian Towers means that many have two level room where there is no proper best listening placement. The railing of the higher portion is where you should be sitting.
Hi Lissnr,
You description of the Duelund CAST is simply dead on the bullseye. Very well said and fits my experience with them. The key words are natural and real, acoustic instruments have inherent warmth, body, color and vibrancy and they don't require any embellishment. The CAST have superb resolution and transparency yet aren't remotely analytical or clinical, just"organic" and correct. I'm actually surprised Bill experienced too much detail in some applications (perhaps revealing the character of ofter system components? ). I don't know, I can say that using the CAST in my DAC and speakers has provided stunningly excellent music reproduction and heighten the sense of realism. The Jensen may yield a pleasing "added" warmth but the Duelund are the "natural" choice.