vintage turntables?

i dont know, but vintage technics, jvc, and pioneer are the only decks ive had experience with, but they have a special appeal to me. it seems to me that theres all these super fancy turntables out there, and im sure they sound really great, but things like funk firm, the pro-ject rpm aren't the same to me. they're not what i picture a turntable to be. anyone else out there feel the same way? i think what it comes down to is the look. maybe i'm just crazy, i dont know. haha
yup...thoes lenco's look like their right up my alley. i'd be pretty happy to own one of those for myself, but i think once i get what i need for this jvc i just got i'll more than likely be happy for a good while.

the other ones i like, being super particular, are the old thorens td-160, and (while ive never heard one) the AR tables are beautiful, and i would love the chance.
it seems like most of what the 'bay has to offer in the turntable category is pretty much what i'm looking for. its either someone who doesnt know what they have selling it really cheap, or someeone over charging it seems...regardless they over charge for shipping...haha
The high end vintage Japanese turntables were statement products which came from huge companies with vertical integration and economy of scale that today's turntable manufacturers can't even dream about. There was a huge R&D budget subsidized by the sale of tens of thousands of mass market siblings. I have a Technics SP-10 with the EPA-100 tonearm. If that were developed, manufactured and marketed by a current company, you could expect a price well over $20K.

Use simple logic and disregard reviewers. Your dollar will go much further.
yeah, Macrojack, thats actually how i figured it would work cost wise. then you also had the fact that everyone was using a turntable back in those days, where as, these days, not so much. supply and demand type situation