vintage turntables?

i dont know, but vintage technics, jvc, and pioneer are the only decks ive had experience with, but they have a special appeal to me. it seems to me that theres all these super fancy turntables out there, and im sure they sound really great, but things like funk firm, the pro-ject rpm aren't the same to me. they're not what i picture a turntable to be. anyone else out there feel the same way? i think what it comes down to is the look. maybe i'm just crazy, i dont know. haha
I'm not so sure. Harry Pearson went ape over either the original SP10 or the SP10 Mk 2 (I think it was the original version), and that gave the product a whole lot of cache in the US. You might say that it was the first Japanese product to be so lionized, but there may have been others. The Micro Seiki products, on the other hand, were relatively unknown to me, living on the East coast US, and I was just as much of an audio nut then (in the 1970s) as now.
Lew - My memory is not to be trusted absolutely but I remember some things pretty well. I recall the EPA-100 and The Arm as being the TAS darlings of the day. It's quite possible that the SP-10 was as well. However, in those days the Goldmund tables reigned supreme and a variety of belts got the reviewers in a lather. Oracle, VPI, SOTA and Linn were the headliners as I recall.
I owned and used a Phillips GA-312 (with the green tough lights) for nearly 17 years. I really enjoyed it. No I use an upgraded Mitsubishi LT-30 with no desire to change. Actually, the LT-30 replaced a Linn LP 12.