Schroeder Model 2 for Technics + Ortofon 2M Black

A poster (Cmk) suggested a Schroeder Model 2 tonearm as an alternative to the Hadcock and the Graham Unipivots as a replacement tonearm on my TECHNICS SL1210 turntable.

Since I'm exploring unusual options, I thought it might make an interesting thread. So, do you think that a Schroeder Model 2 arm could work on a Technics SL1210? Apparently, the Model 2's geometry is similar to a Rega tonearm. I have an excellent adapter plate for my Technics TT that enables Rega type arms to be fitted.

There is also the question of the Schroeder's compatibility with my relatively high-complience Ortofon 2M Black cartridge. Any thoughts?

Finally, what does the Audiogon community think of the Schroeder Model 2 arm? Is it designed for hyper-bucks high-compliance MC cartridges?
Are there better arms to be found in the in the Unipivot world, like the Grahams and the Hadcocks?
I have the Schroeder Model 2 running with Shelter 501 MkII. This is the best arm I had (I used to have all Kuzma models besides the Airline)...Sure a Graham or Hadcock might have a different presentation of the music but I believe that they won't be better. The Schroeder has a unique freedom of mechanical "after taste" to the sound...and just sounds more natural than any other arms I tried.

The Schroeder needs a lot of care to balance all parameters therefore a Graham is much more comftable. The effective weight depends on the choice of arm tube material (carbon, wood...) and also the choice of headshell-plate (aluminum, brass...). Therefore Mr. Schröder can fit the arm perfectly to your needs.

Mine has the carbon tube with brass plate and is around 14g, wich is more on the heavy side of "middle weight"...perfect for "stiffer" carts like the Shelter or my Koetsu rosewood.
Hello Xronx (from the Bronx?)
More valuable input- thanks! I notice that you too have opted for the carbon fibre. Your observations say that the Schroeder Model 2 gets out of the way of the music and reproduces what is on the recording- without (much?) colouration. Just the ticket.

How well does the thing track? For example, how would it go playing a 12" single that is spinning at 45rpm, mastered at high levels, with a slight warp AND pressed slightly off centre?
Hmmm...I never had problems with mistracking even of 45rpm 7" and 12". From touching the arm it feels a little more stable than a traditional unipivot. So therefore I was expecting a rather lightweighted sound BUT I was almost shocked at how fundamental tight and solid the sound was when I was playing it the first time.

So from my experience there is no worrying about any mistracking problems due to its construction.

So since no component is 100% neutral I only can say that acoustic instruments sound more like real instruments than with any other arm I tried. Especially the fine dynamics are just so natural.

You can call Mr. Schröder, he will give you advice on choosing the right material for your taste. BUT as you might know the waiting time for a Schröder is 1 year at the moment.
Thanks Xronx- yes, unipivots can be unstable and it was good to read your comments regarding the Schroeder's ability in that area.

Another thing is the tonearm's magnets and their suitability on a Technics turntable that has a direct-drive motor with many (?) more magnets. Do any of you feel there could be a problem with the motor interfering with the arm? (ie as the motor spins, would it generate a magnetic 'flux' that could throw the Schroeder right off it's game?)
The magnets are very powerful. The motor's magnets should not cause any problems. One of the key parameters of setting up the Schroeder is the magnet gap, which is typically very close, like 1mm. You would have to experiment to see the impact on the sound.

Like what Xronx mentions, setup is more time-consuming, since any changes in the counterweight affect other parameters - anti-skate, azimuth. The initial setup requires you to be patient. Once that is done, its pretty much maintenance free.

By a simple change of the cart mounting plate, you can mount a wide range of carts. It would be advisable to ask for the brass and alu mounting plates at one go. You can then play around with whichever cart floats your boat.

Good luck with your search.