Schroeder Model 2 for Technics + Ortofon 2M Black

A poster (Cmk) suggested a Schroeder Model 2 tonearm as an alternative to the Hadcock and the Graham Unipivots as a replacement tonearm on my TECHNICS SL1210 turntable.

Since I'm exploring unusual options, I thought it might make an interesting thread. So, do you think that a Schroeder Model 2 arm could work on a Technics SL1210? Apparently, the Model 2's geometry is similar to a Rega tonearm. I have an excellent adapter plate for my Technics TT that enables Rega type arms to be fitted.

There is also the question of the Schroeder's compatibility with my relatively high-complience Ortofon 2M Black cartridge. Any thoughts?

Finally, what does the Audiogon community think of the Schroeder Model 2 arm? Is it designed for hyper-bucks high-compliance MC cartridges?
Are there better arms to be found in the in the Unipivot world, like the Grahams and the Hadcocks?
Thanks Dougdeacon and Thom for the insights. Ortofon are using a Rega RB1000 in their advertising campaign, so I'd imagine that it would be happy in that.

I know the word EFFECTIVE is important in the tonearm mass equation, but I have a feeling the actual size of the tonearm tube would be another parameter that must be addressed.

The Hadcock and the Schroeder have very slim tubes. The Music Maker cartridge is a medium to high compliance cartridge that really sings in the Hadcock. Yet I read recently that the Hadcock has an effective mass approaching 14gms

Something is at play here and I'm guessing it's combination of the unipivot design and the slim arm tube that enables medium to high mass cartridges to swing, not (just?) the effective mass of the tonearm. Any takers on that line of thought?
The mounting base is just shy of 2".

As the dust cover, if it doesn't fit, get rid of it. If you're this serious into getting the Schroeder on, I wouldn't bother if the dust cover doesn't fit.

I have heard the Music Maker cart with the Model 2 and it is a fantastic match. It was so good I thought I was listening to a really good MC - smooth, extended, and musical.
Hi CMK- Your audition of the Music Maker moving iron cartridge seems to suggest that the Ortofon 2M Black might me a good match for the Schroeder. Thanks for the diameter measurement for the tonearm as well. As for the dust cover, I live near a freeway and I actually need it to keep off dust!
I have a Shelter 501 mkII on my mdl 2 Schroder arm.
Mine mdl 2 has the wood wand, & I am using the brass
plate on the head shell.
I find the arm sensitive, but easy to adjust. & the sound
is natural, neutral, & sweet.
my table is a Vpi TNT V hotrod with a Teres 3.75" cocobollo
platter, VPI modified P-ring, & Gallibier anvil.
motor is Teres reference with 12v battery.
I think for the money $3k for this arm & cart, It performs
very nicely on my somewhat exotic rig.
These arms will become collectors items, (not the kind that sit around), get one while you can. The waiting list
will no doubt just keep getting longer as time goes on since only one man makes them.