New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
Goopher is right the Big 6 uses the 16 bit phillips chip. I did not want to go with that chip as I wanted to be able to play 24/192 files as well.
Glad your enjoying it JWM. The L5 is a monster out of the box, even with stock tubes. You heard my L5 ( At CES) and it only had 150hrs on it. At 500+hrs any hint of edge or glare is now gone. The sound will become sweeter and even more addicting. Enjoy!
My good friend Charles1dad brought over his digital cable that he does not use anymore. The rca cable transformed my system and I'm am now getting the best sound I ever had at my place. It took away a very slight edge and added bass weight and beautiful organic coloring to the instruments on any cd that we played. I kid you not it was like going to any new component that you can think of. My Zadies Lamp connected to the PS Audio transport is amazing. I only have 96 hours on it and I don't kow what I am going to do when 400 comes around. I didn't even roll tubes and the only thing I addressed was to place brass audio points under the DAC and Transport. This opened up the soundstage quite a bit. Cistrum stands are now in the cards. The digital cables I tried were ASI Live Line, Luminous Audio, Wireworld. Of the three I liked the Luminous Audio cable the best. The cable that did the transformation was the Acoustic Revive digital cable. I was going to try the Wywires Gold cable, but now I don't know if I will. I am so happy I could yell it from the rooftops.