Sumiko Headshell on SL1210

Hello folks, i have this on my deck and it does make a big difference, but here in the uk for some reason we don't get the extra counterweight it's an extra. i use an audio technica 110e with this deck and very nice it is too so i am waiting for my friendly local dealer to source me a weight, hopefully for free so by reading some of the posts here do you use blutak as i do to balance the arm or is there another method i could use. great site by the way. all the best, engine
Use a lighter cartridge while waiting? Did you try sliding the cartridge back all the way? It won't be in alignment but will work? Metal, Copper or lead washers may work?
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thanks for the tips guys, i used a grado black which is 1.2 gms lighter than the at110e and kept off the cuing arm to lessen the weight and i was able to get the overhang right and alignment so all in all so far so good. i will let you know how it sounds at a later date. all the best, engine.