The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Unit Audio's Fountain Head Speaker by Unity Audio by Bob Grost give the best midrange upper and low tone quality. I have not compaired them to others but wanted to see what others thought of Unity Audio
Dennisboldt, Bob several years ago demoed at CES a pair of monitors with subwoofers. I was quite impressed and then ventured to hear the reference system. I was not impressed but have to say the line voltage where I heard them varied from 106 to 114. I knew nothing of the amps being used.

Then Bob dropped out.
Well it's a year later since I posted my two cents. I've tried to listen as many different speakers as I have time for, so I'll listen, purchase, re-sell and move on up the chain. So far it's been Revel M20's, Diapason Adamante III, Opera Quinta's, BC Acoustique A3's, Mark & Daniel Maximus-Monitors, Mark & Daniel Aragorn's w/ Bass Extenders, AAD Reference Monitors, Mark & Daniel Maximus-Diamonds+, Mark & Daniel Maximus-Subwoofers. Right now the only ones I'm not going to sell anytime soon are the Mark & Daniel Maximus-Monitors used with the Mark & Daniel Maximus-Subwoofers (2 ea). Two subwoofers sound so much better than one. I'll report back when I find something better . . . a speaker junkie!!
I second to AV Duo's since I've owned a pair drived by Audio Note Quest Silver Sign and M7 Kondo and I never want to depart them.

My AN Quests are run sweetly and magically with WE 300B, 6SN7s Telefuken 1962 and 5U4Gs Mullard 1961.

Happy Listening