Table/Cartridge price ratio

Say you buy a $1500 turntable without a cartridge. What price range should the cartridge be for maximum potential? Is there a point of diminishing return? Would you get the same result from a cartridge that is in the $800 range with one that is in the $1200 range?
Of all the equipment in audio the cartridge hits the point of diminishing returns first. One can buy a well designed cartridge for under a hundred dollars. One can buy a very, very, good cartridge for a few hundred dollars. Beyond that the improvements, if any, get very expensive indeed. Generally the additional money would be better spent elsewhere.
Depends on the tonearm.

It is impossible to evaluate and/or give advice for any cartridge(s) without the tonearm.

The tonearm/cartridge and amplifier/speaker matches are the most critical in any audio system.