VINYL - 2,200 LP's to CD or Hard Drive - HELP

Someone I know has an extensive LP collection - to the tune of 2,200 lp's which he has had for MANY years, he is 86. He and his wife are interested in freeing up some space and ease the ability to listen to the music on the LPs instead of looking at them.

He wants to get them onto CD - but I am wondering about getting them onto a hard drive storage facilty for him, as he wants to sell the entire collection after. That will be my lovely task, but before - how do I do the above and any experiences would be appreciated.

One by one is obviously the only way to do this - suggestions on CD versus hard drive storage? Are these folks that get paid to do such an event?

I am near SF, CA -

thanks for any and all input.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
Any and all input, eh?

OK then, if it were me, I'd go the hard drive route. That's because a) I'd be ripping to HD anyway, b) even at 86, should I still be around, I reckon I will find it easier to use a mouse to select or build playlists than to swap CDs in a player. Failing eyesight? My computer has a Universal Access control panel that lets me zoom the display.

I'd rip to HD, not directly to CDR. Saves a lost disc if the rip goes wrong, could probably save some of the file too, and no need to recopy to HD.

Other factors : I like the HD --> DAC via USB or FireWire approach. It saves buying and maintaining an expensive transport yet allows upgrades to the DAC. Sound can be great.
Definitely hard drive. I think that I've seen a USB turntable- it could make it easy if the highest fidelity isn't an issue...
A USB turntable would be ideal! Fidelity isn't an issue - being able to pull up an album and listen, easily, is.

I am leaning towards the hard drive - any suggesitons on which ones? I know jack about such.

Hard drive and off site back up is your best choice. You can always rip cd's at any time in the future if you choose and your music is always protected and saved, albeit in digital format. Unless you have a spare couple of months I'd hire a pro to do it, they would probably coordinate with storage also.
Good Luck