Feickert analogue protractor....Owners impressions

I'm contemplating the purchase of this brand of protractor.

Over the years I have relied on a good friend to mount cartridges and set up the few tables that I have owned in the past.
Relying on someone else to do this was for good reason.

I would never make it as a watch maker or any other profession that requires a fine touch and skill with steady hands.
The time has come where I will have to do this totally on my own.

My question to you owners of the Feickert protractor is what is your experience with it regarding ease of use and accuracy compared to other protractors?

Secondly, the disk has strobe markings for speed set up, does the Feickert package come with a strobe light for the $250. selling price?

I asked these question of a dealer sent via a e-mail and have not received a reply as of yet.

Thank you for your replies.
For some unknown reason as of yet, my MintLp protractor was refused delivery at Canadian Customs and was sent back!

Yip was notified by the carrier with no explanation and of course has since notified me of this.

Yip was astonished at this as well as I am.

When I arrive home tomorrow I'll get to the bottom of it.

Thank You Canada Customs for keeping us safe from potentially dangerous arc protractors and samples of cleaning fluid.
Mark, FYI, I haven't gotten mine yet either. But then, I haven't heard from Yip, so I keep looking for it every day.
Help...am totally confused.Initially aligned the cartridge with the Freickert protractor using the Baerwald alignment thats on one side of the protractor disc. Out of curiosity, yesterday tried the Lofgren alignment thats one the other side of the disc and guess what...it was a perfect fit.According to my limited understanding , Baerwald and Lofgren use different geometries with different null points. If thats the case why am I getting a perfect fit with both or am I missing something?
Hello Yip ...here I come!!

that would be hilarious if it weren't so sad! It had to have been the liquid that caused some one to become overly zealous.


didn't Yip send you a tracking number?

On my arm the difference in overhang between Baerwald and Lofgren is 0.5 mm.

I can, and do, see the difference between the two with overhang and alignment on my Feickert . I can also see this difference with the WallyTractor. Both are equal in the usefulness. Where the Feickert may have an advantage is in the ability to align any pivoted arm.

Just like any tool, it takes time and patience to gain a better understanding of it abilities. Both methods (Feickert, and Arc types) prove to work well for my use and both, when mastered, will provide exceptional results.

If you are up to it, you can try to spend some more time with the alignment tool. The first thing to check is overhang vs. the two alignment types (Baerwald and Lofgren)to make sure they are NOT the same. They should not be. The other thing to notice is that upon a quick look the alignment may appear similar but the cantilever will not be aligned at both points because it's not theoretically possible and in practice I've verified this as the Feickert has very good resolution to be able to align the cartridge to a fine degree. Again, as verified with the WallyTractor.

One thing you may want to try if you haven't is mark the pivot point on the RB1000 arm you reported in the thread above that you have. This point is very important to getting the alignment correct. This is important whether we provide the number to an arc protractor maker or if we use it in real-time to set overhang with the Feikert tool. It ends up being critical to the adjustment as well as assuring precise repeatability, IMO.

What all this really points to is the importance of getting to know and use the alignment tool of choice. The more you use it the better you become at maximising it's ability to accomplish the job. Both types of protractors require patience. The more patience we have the potential for better results become or reward.

Hang in there and I hope this helps,