What's a good cartridge for infinity black widow?

I need to know of a good cartridge for a Infinity black widow tonearm. I will be using it in either:

A. Kenwood KD-500 into a Audio Alchemy vac in the box.
B. Kenwood KD-500 into a Audible Illusions Modulas 3A.

I would like to use a Sumiko blue point, the weight seems right, though Im not sure about the rest. Thanks
I once owned the BWidow mounted on a Denon and had good results with Sonus Blue, and high output Denon moving coil. It may be a low mass arm, but sounded great.
One "Widow" mod my dealer did for me was to place some "Mortite" around the exact center of the arm's tube.I knew nothing(like today)at the time,and thought the arm may have been imperfect,but it sure sounded good!

Look for a good Sonus Blue or an ADC cartridge. I had both of them in my Black Widow, and they were magic.
In my experience Mortite dries up and is bad for that purpose. You need an ultra high compliance cartridge. Also, the Black Widow was designed for a light cartridge since the arm is easily flexed.
The chances of finding a Sonus Blue cartridge with a rubber compliance that wasn't hardened by now would be very slim. That's unfortunate as it would be ideal for the Black Widow arm(I had one in a Magnepan Unipivot I way back when). Replacement styli haven't been avaiable for those for a number of years either, Sonic Research having gone out of business long ago. Here's company that offers a variety of older cartridges: (http://www.adelcom.net/cartridge.htm)