cartridge selection for vpi10.5/refsupscoutmasters

I have a koetsu rosewood signature platinum cartridge that is about 10 years old but not used in several years (only about 100 hours on it) and I'm getting a vpi reference superscoutmaster signature table with 10.5 tonearm. I have a pass labs xono phonostage/bat 31se preamp combo with passlabs x250.5 amp and magnepan 20.1 speakers. Is the cartridge going to be a good match or would something like a dynevector xv1s or shelter harmony be better? I'm looking for warmth with good bass. The highs from my speakers are so good that I don't need the cartridge to compensate much. Any thoughts?
I used to run Magnepan's and they are very good with the mids and highs! I have SSM with the 9 signature arm. I run a Lyra Skala with excellent results. The SSM will be excellent with base. Actually it's one of it's strongest points. I also have a friend who runs the XV1s with stellar results. I suggest you get a good phono cable like the Nordost Tyr to compliment the Valhalla cable in the arm. I also believe that your Koetsu will sound fine but there are several that better it, being ten years old. IMHO
Harry W recommends the Dynaxv1 or the Benz LP. I am using the Benz LP with the Superscout, rim drive, heavy platter, 10.5i. I also suggest the Ebony H..the difference between that and the LP may not be that cost effective. The LP is a bit better, but the H is very, very good. VTA should be a tad low in the back and use a bit of damping.