Thank You Souchy

Only the few will know what I mean. Thank You!!!!!
I have learned one thing about dealers. They are there to make money. Ever hear "GOT CABLES".
I agree, although the ca sound is not for everyone and the exchange rate makes a lot of their stuff to pricey in the US. That said, after trying many of the top cartridges on the market and several through the line of ca (including insider)I will be staying with my stradivari until it wears out with no temptation to "upgrade".
Yes Indeed Mr Souchy. I, too, am extremely happy owner of the Clearaudio Master Ref/Master TQ1/Everest/Insider Ref Wood set up, that plays like real music, completely contrary to what is said to be CA sound. I, too amd tempted to ADD ( not upgrade) the Goldfinger, while still keeping the insider.
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