Turntable lamp suggestions?

Looking for a functional lighting solution for my turntable. Something small and easily adjustable. I think I have seen some gooseneck types in the past. Suggestions and links would be appreciated.......
Without doubt the Littlites are the best. I've been using them for various applications over the years. Not exactly cheap.

I use the model with the built-in rheostat for dimming. Suggestion, don't keep light on after use. I find that the halogen bulbs don't have a very long life.

As a previous responder pointed out, you will see dust and dirt that you only *thought* you cleaned away.


Here ya go...



Work fine, last a long time...as long as you don't leave em on constantly :)
I have had the littel lite for years....very good. I would look at the 12" because I do believe it has a higher wattage bulb...also could be found at Guitar Center if you have one near by.
The Littlite seems the way to go. It is the one I have seen before. They have so many models though, a bit confusing. Thanks for your responses.....
I picked up a goosneck lamp with an intregal base clamp for around 14.00 bucks at Home Depot and love it.