Good & Inexpensive Amplifier Stand for ARC VT100

I'd like to get my 80-pound amp up off the floor! I'm looking for some advise on an amplifier stand that fits the footprint of the VT-100 mk 2 (about 18"x18"), provide reasonable dampening, is a solid and sturdy build. Doesn't have to look "artful" and shouldn't be too expensive (<100 used and <200 new). Any ideas? Anyone tackle this problem already?

Make your own with painted cinderblock and a nice slab of maple. Or have a local cabinet maker make you a box and floating top and fill it with sand. I did and it works great.
Then put BDR cones with round things under the amp. Super quiet and rock solid. My total cost was $50 for the box, $4 for the paint and $75 for the BDR and $6 for the sand.