best fluid for vpi 16.5 cleaner non-vpi brand?


I just purchased a vpi 16.5 on the 'gon and have not received it yet. It has some vpi's own fluid but wanted to know what people recommend for basic versus deep cleaning with the the vpi.

I know there have been similar threads but they often go onto tangents about brushes and other stuff!!


Over the past 25 years I have used various brands of cleaning fluid.
The most effective so far with fabulous results is the Walker Audio active enzyme cleaning solution.

Money back guarantee.
It does everything the ad says it will do.

No exaggeration and bull here.

I'm sure there are other active enzyme base cleaners on the market that are just as effective.

It's a 4 step process and takes minutes to do both sides of an Lp. A double final rinse is recommended.

If this is your first record cleaning machine, you are going to be thrilled.

Wait till you hear your favorite music....
thanks for input so it better than the less expensive audio intelligent?

even though I hear mostly surface noise not loud pops, is the talisman necessary. Some professional reviewers love it but am a bit wary about a powerful magnet near my audio equipment!

I've not tried the Walker system. I currently use the Audio Intelligent fluids, and I am quite happy with the results. I use the three step process. I also use a separate brush and vacuum wand for each step to avoid cross contamination. For records that need a quick cleaning (ones that have already been given the three step process) I also have the one step AI cleaner as well.