VPI TNT static problem, Why?

My new reference deck is a older TNT3 that I have had VPI upgrade the tone arm wiring and rebuild the motor. This deck was an upgrade from a Michell Gyro deck that I had for 4 yrs. I have serious static problems with this plater which I have never had with the Michell. I clean a record with the VPI HW 16.5, then go to place the record on the platter - each time I get a static shock from the metal section of the platter, which has caused me to drop several LP's - major no no. Even when I pull off the LP - you can hear the static attraction to the acrylic platter. Now the Michell platter was acrylic( or so I thought) and this never happened. Is this something I have to live with or have others had this problem and solved it. I really like this deck as to the depth and detail, but this static stuff is driving me crazy.
Hey Jsman, the carbon fibre brush is like using a broom without a dust pan, one can sweep the dirt around but difficult to really pick it up. Most folks slowly sweep it off the edge but that really just smears it over that area. Also,the static generating quality of rubbing your records with a dry brush is not something I'm not fond of. The Milty Pixall is the only dry cleaner that actually works, IMHO.
I agree with Headsnappin. Dry brushing doesn't really do much to keep a record clean. Instead, it creates a static charge that causes dust to adhere even more to the record and cause static discharge problems. Go with a cheap wet/vacuum cleaning system (I actually prefer manual application of the fluid and manual turing of the record over motorized features).