Rega P25-best upgrade

I'm considering two different directions, one which is not exclusive of the other as it too can be done at a later date. Therefore, I'm wondering which will give me the biggest bang for my bucks and why?
1. Add the 3 Groovetracer upgrades: Subplatter, platter and counterweight; or
2. Add a new Cartridge. Currently running Dynavector 10x5 and considering Dynavector 17D3, Sumiko Blackbird or Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood (with the Dynavector 20XL or XH in the back of my mind).

The reason I might consider using a High output cartridge over a Low output is because I record each album I play to CD so I don't want to have to crank the volume to get the CD up to the gain point of regular CD's. That is, even with the Medium output 10x5 I still need 60 db of gain (and that's the max) and that is perfect for recording. Not sure how a low output cartridge would do as I've never used one. Associated relevant equipment Rega P25, Bel Canto Pre2p and M-Audio 24/96 sound card. Let me hear what the experts have to say...I certainly am not one. Thanks.
i'm certainly not an expert, but i do own a rega 25, too. if u checked the audiogon forums on the best possible upgrade to rega turntables, i think the michell techno weight is always near the top. i have the expressimo counterweight myself. those who have gone from expressimo to michell generally agree that the michell is better. i think it runs in the $160 price range.
Amondrool is right with the technoweight. I owned a P25 for a few years and added just about every tweek that I could get for the table. Some helped and some went the other direction. But the one investment that I can say stood out as most obvious improvement was the Michel Technoweight. Not only sound but tracking. Second would be the subplatter with the ruby bearing. Then the Cardas rewire, acrylic platter, Michel VTA adjuster etc fall in line after that. I replaced the EZ riser with the Michel VTA as it was easier to use. The Ring Mat was on the table for about 1/2 an lp side and was in the box and back for credit the next day. The P25 is a great table that can be tweeked into a much more musical table with time and money.
Also I went thru a few carts and founf the Lyra Lydian to sound the best. No longer made but the Dorian and Argo rate better reviews.