What's wrong with my ProJect 9.1?

I'm running a 9.1 with a Slee Era Gold V and Dynavector 10x5. I'm quite dissapointed in the sound - My cheap Cayin CDP sounds much better, while vinyl is lifeless, dull, highs are rolled off. I've tried my phono stage in my friend's system and it sounds fine, so by deduction the problem seems to be the cartridge or setup.

Does anyone know how to adjust the VTA of this table?
Are there any suggestions for other carts that will match this table and its carbon fiber arm? I'm thinking of moving up to a 20X but any other suggestions are welcome.
08-29-08: Zeal
Just so you know, nothings wrong with my Pro-ject 9. I have got it all down right and sounding good. Thanks for everyone's help.
So what'd you do? How did you fix it? It didn't sound very encouraging when you first posted.
Mikeyc8, try these...

1. Check your VTF (ignore the dial on your tonearm, if any, use a decent VTF scale). Excessively high VTF will cause a cartridge to sound as you described.

2. Reduce or even eliminate antiskate. Excessive antiskate sounds almost identical to excessive VTF.

3. Clean your stylus. Magic Eraser + dry brush. Nothing else.

4. Double check your cantilever alignment (not cartridge body alignment) using a good protractor.

5. Fiddle with VTA, though I doubt that's the main source of the dullness you described.
hi Doug, Thanks for the tips, they're all good, but I upgraded my 10X5 to a 20XL and it now sounds great! Guess their entry level cart just didn't do it for me. The guy who sold it to me diplomatically described it as being "polite" sounding, guess that should have been the tipoff.