the best loudspeaker I have heard is the one that hasn't been designed yet with a revolutionary discovery. In essence it's a personal taste. Most of us could never own let alone hear some of the most expensive and exotic loudspeakers out there and on this site. I am sure most are the best sounding to those who like their sound. I am happy with ohm's, magnepans, eminent tech, acoustat because those are the manufacturers I own and I was once a bose flagship owner in the 80's and until I found about audiogon and high end, I never looked back. For me, I cannot go without planar/electrostats and CLS (Coherent line source) designs by magnepan, ohm acoustics and any of the electrostat manufacturers like martin logan's, innersound, quads, etc. since my acoustat is defunct in the u.s. and belongs to china now. I purchase or upgrade based on these designs. I like horns since I own klipsch and wharfedales zaldek also