Porter Ports or Cabledyne Cryo Hubbell 5362

Just as I was about to purchase 3 Porter Ports yesterday, a friend of mine drew my attention to a new offering on the market, cryoed HBL 5362 by Cabledyne (www.cabledyne.com). Price wise there is considerable difference (as it appears to me): Porter Ports sell of $36 ea. + $12 shipping (for up to 3 units) against $25 each with free US shipping currently being offered by Cabledyne. My heart says Porter Port, but my mind -possibly biased by my friend - says Cabledyne.
Would greatly appreciate the advice from and personal experience/comparison from fellow audiogoners.
thank you in advance.
Hi Lall:

Thanks for that. A lot of work, as I well know. Not a lot of surprises there for me but perhaps one. I can see the P&S Legrand and the FIM finishing where they did as they are such very different receptacles, almost polar opposites I think; you definitely cannot describe either one as being anything close to neutral!

I don't know much about the Cabledynes (but have a lot of experience with cryoed HBL 5362's) but if they were broken in by the manufacturer before shipping on something like the Audiodharma cable cooker, this would have a pretty big effect on things-my thought is that the Porter Ports, if they were brand new, still might need another week or two of break in.

The old Hubbell 8300H is a very good receptacle (and one that Albert used to use for the Porter Ports). I'm curious: do the Porter Ports have a strong physical resemblance to the 8300H (non-cryo) that you have there?

Do they have the same physical dimensions (ie. substantially shallower than the Cabledyne 5362) as the old stock 8300H's you have and do the current Porter Ports have the same brass (gold coloured) backstrap as the old stock 8300H's that you used or do they appear to have a (silver) steel backstrap?
Very interesting reading, thank you for all the hours you put into the testing and writting the review.
Best Regards,
Sonic genius, Hdm and Lak: i sincerely appreciate your comments but i have to give credit to you guys and your previous posts on this site which pushed me into trying out new outlets. I must say that with the addition in my system of the 3 new outlets, as well as the Fusion Audio Romance IC2 & JPS 3 interconnects and the GE 6550A tubes, i have now achieved the level of performance i was aiming for a long time.

I have to say that the Cabledyne 5362 is the HBL 5362 cryoed which cost me $25 ea. including shipping & paypal fees.

HDM, the two Porter Porters i used were well broken in as they had been in use for more than a year by a friend who loaned them out to me for the shootout. On the other hand the HBL 8300 and the Cabledyne HBL 5362 were brand new but with some 15 days break in. I would be perfectly happy if i find no further change in performance of the Cabledynes with time as i already like what i am hearing.

Also, yes the Porter Ports and the Hubbell 8300s (non-cryo) are almost identical, physically speaking. Also they have identical gold (or copper) coloured back straps. No silver/nickel colour back straps. It may well be that the only difference between the two is the cryo treatment.

But the Cabledyne HBL 5362 is much thicker and heavier than the Porter Ports, HBL 8300 or the FIMs. Almost 50% bigger (deeper) and heavier. From the front however, they are of the same dimensions and thus the same faceplate fits nicely into each and every outlet tested.

My Kharma Grand Ref. power cords are very thick and terminated with ultra big US type plugs/connectors. The bigger/deeper Cabledyne outlets certainly provided a tighter grip for them. With the FIMs, these powercords were quite lose in the outlets and the only way to prevent them from coming out was to put a small vertical stand/support under each Kharma plugs. No such problems encoutered with the Cabledynes. Withe the Porter Ports and the Hubbell 8300s, the grip was tighter than the FIMs probably because these outlets were still new and their grips worked well though not as tight as the Cabledynes.

The Cabledyne is a cyoed version of the standard industrial grade Hubbell HBL5362, according to what i read from their website.

Also for those using 6550/KT88 tubes in their systems, i would strongly recommend trying out the GE 6550 tubes before splashing out serious money on other equipments. In my system, the performance jump compared to my Gold Lions and the very expensive KR KT88 was nothing less than phenomenal. The music became so clean clean clean... refined, with a bloom in the midrange.. almost orgasmic sensation...and am not kidding! It costs nothing to try.

I was about to spend come $10K on new speakers (the Kharmas weere giving me serious head and ear aches) but the addition of the Cabledynes, JPS 3, Fusion Audio and GE 6550 tubes have now helped me to better appreciate my Kharmas.

I will shortly update the equipments list of my system on my audiogon page to to listed above in this thread.
Very interesting! Thanks for answering my questions Lall and glad (but not surprised!) you ended up with a nice performance boost!

Receptacles really can make a huge difference.
I am now curious to compare the HBL5362 with some of the high end outlets. The Furutech FPX Gold is copper instead of brass. I ordered it from Cabledyne. I also ordered a Oyaide Power Receptacle SWO-GX+ ULTIMO Gold from Revolution Audio. Long Labor Day weekend for me.

