Recommendations For New Table/Arm Under $4k

Greetings All-

I'm in the midst of reconfiguring my system and I'm interested in your recommendations for a table/arm combo in the less than $4k range (new). I have a Shelter 90x cartridge from my last analog rig and an EAR 834P that I had modded by Great Northern Sound Company that I will be using as my phono section. I've previously owned a VPI Scout and a Basis 2500 Signature. I'm looking for that best bang for the buck table...

Thanks Dan-ed & Tvad. I'll check into the Serac table. Looks intertesting... Anyone else?
You should take a look at the Acoustic Solid "Wood" (Large Platter Wood Plinthed 'table). Massive (mass loaded) table with oversized platter, extraordinary motor w/microprocessor controller, rb-3oo, and Ortofon HOMC cart at app. $3300 (last I looked), I own this table and use it alongside an Oracle/Graham/Nightingale set-up. Once I swapped out the (more than decent Ortofon) for a Lyra Dorian the gap between the tables got quite narrow, IMHO, this is a killer deal.

Good Luck

Well within your budget, you can buy the Pro-ject RM10, which includes a 10" carbon fiber arm, thick/heavy glass platter with magnetic repulsion bearing to reduce inertia. The included isolation bass is very effective and a must-have type component for best analog performance. If you add the Speed Box II you'll have an excellent TT with great customer support from Sumiko in the USA. The RM10 competes with much more expensive TTs and has to be on the short list of best buys in the price range.

Dan Ed: Question? What are the two control knobs on the motor for? Also it seems that I read where you compared the Teres to the Galibier and chose the later but I cannot remember your reasons for choosing the Galibier over the Teres. Can you give a short answer concerning the differences or give me the link to that thread? Thanks

The controls on the motor pod top plate are:

a) a 3-position switch: 45 rpm - off - 33 rpm
b) 2 knobs: to find-trim the speed of 45 and 33 independently

Thom @ Galibier