Recommendations For New Table/Arm Under $4k

Greetings All-

I'm in the midst of reconfiguring my system and I'm interested in your recommendations for a table/arm combo in the less than $4k range (new). I have a Shelter 90x cartridge from my last analog rig and an EAR 834P that I had modded by Great Northern Sound Company that I will be using as my phono section. I've previously owned a VPI Scout and a Basis 2500 Signature. I'm looking for that best bang for the buck table...

Tables from TW Acustic and Acoustic Solid in addition to the Serac are much better than the RM-10 and upgraded Scouts in that 4K price range.

And you aren't stuck with a JMW-9 or Pro-Ject tonearm.
As the proud owner of over 100 TTs in his audiophile life, Audiofiel clearly comes from the school of constant change and fleeting satisfaction. That's a fine school and I have friends deep into studies there; however, getting "stuck" with a good tonearm is not a bad thing for those of us that stay off the treadmill of constant change.

I'm not saying that Galibier, Teres, TW Acustic and Acoustic Solid are not all fine devices. I love Jazdoc's post, which seems to point toward a "final solution" that you won't regret. With a budget of $4000 (or more) the OP should certainly investigate these options. A trip to the RMAF will allow comparison of almost everything mentioned in this thread, and then some. Plan on spreading your listening over at least two-days as it can be quite overwhelming.

Jazdoc, I love your last post.

If you have the Galibier, why would you move to the Tere's or TW Acustic? Why not stay within the Galibier line? Do those other TTs sound better to you, but didn't fit your initial price range, or what?

The reviews of the Serac (you didn't say which Galibier you own) indicate that it'll do justice to the very best tonearms and cartridges, so it seems that where I'd incredmental budget, if that's true.


Sorry if my last post was confusing. Hopefully this will clarify. It has been my observation for the turntable brands I listed, that an owner is highly likely to stay within the brand if they decide to upgrade. For example, I know a new Galibier Serac owner who plans to upgrade to the Gavia platter. I have observed the same phenomena for TW Acustic and Teres.

I think that this happens, because the turntable brands are uniformly excellent, owners like the particular house sound of 'their' turntable, and the trade up policies are generous for all. Importantly for a handmade item, I also feel comfortable recommending the people behind all three brands.

BTW, I bought a Stelvio with Triplanar and Dynavector XV1-S and could not be happier.


Dear Cbd: here are some second hand options that seems to me could be very good choices:

For a new unit I agree too on Galibier.

Regards and enjoy the music.