Triplanar madness I tell u, madness


From the first few seconds I knew it was going to be incredible. Triplanar Vll and ZYX UNIverse.

I could not listen to a full song, let alone a full album side.

Maybe I can lower the VTA a little, oh ya, now I need to recheck VTF, but wait, I lost the focus, oh ya, I forgot to re-tighten the VTA adjustment screw, why is there more music coming from the right speaker as opposed to the left, of ya, forgot to re-adjust the anti skate. I gotta go to home depot and get those o-rings. There we go, focus is back. let me check the downforce again. WAIT WAIT WAIT, I only have two hours on the cartridge.

My wife is right.......IDIOT is my petname.

Come On, Come On, when will the 25 hours of play be up. Sh^)^(*, I have to go to sleep. Maybe it will rain tommorrow and I won't be able to go to work (Roofing)

Thanks guys

I will slow down, but it sounds sooooo darn good (no more cursing)

What a pleasure these two pieces are. Even with almost no hours, the sound from my Tom Evans Groove, Placette Passive, Atma-Sphere Ma1 Silvers, and 20 year old ProAc Responce 2 are better than anything I have ever heard, I can't stop listening.

I like my pet name. My wife is Italian, and when she gets made, and her blood gets boiling, everything else turns out great.

I am now smelling the roses, and they look like musical notes.

Thanks most of all to DougDeacon, his tips are extremely insightfull.
Hey cousin,the 25 hours you mention takes at least 50 hours and more like 200.Dont let this bother you , especially when your on a roof.
Have fun

Glad to hear you've got things up and running. What did you do for an armboard?

Don't forget to adjust the VTA on the mattress before you drop off!
Hey Doug

Again, thank you.

I had an old piece to oak door jam in the garage. It's not as hard as Cocobolo, but still quite hard.

Once everything is broke in, I will look at an even harder wood. And if luck is on my side, I will ask Chris to make me one out of cocobolo.

PS. Does anyone know if the Groove or Atma-Sphere invert phase. I had to change my speaker leads to get proper focus. The Tri and UNI are that good that I can tell when something is out.