The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
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Earlier this week I was one of a few lucky individuals to be presented with a full demo(indeed an audience world-premiere) of the upcoming Raidho Ayra C-4 at their home facility in Denmark. The experience was monumental, and by and large elevated me to a musical happening seemingly detached from the speakers, or the notion of reproduction as such. What struck me was the emotional reaction to the music, in that I appeared to be fully entangled with the event taking place as if there was no "running away" in analytical judgment or cool restraint; this is not to say there was no choice whether to dissect the impressions of the sound itself, as would be the job of a reviewer in some way, but that it didn't render the option particularly appealing. You could say the experience of listening to the C-4's had a way of naturally insisting on a musical event, not what I felt to be in a manipulative(coloring) manner, but through approximating the parameters by which the signal is granted a progressively (linear) free path, so to speak. The music seemed to appear freely, non-constricted, and unfolded before me in a full, natural bloom - the background stoically calm. Instruments and voices simply locked into place and typicality with their environments. Dynamic contrast seemed unlimited, both micro and macro. Ditto with regard to bandwidth, only slightly hindered in the very bottom octave, and with mild excess in the central bass region(an area still in the addressing of the manufactorer, I was told).

Honesty or truthfulness of presentation may seem self-effacing to some, as in "lack of character," but herein lies the very essence and true mark of high fidelity, and the insight with which the C-4's call attention to the music itself in its full palette, and the overwhelming sensation of the real "life" of music, tells me that they do indeed master this feat in an unrivaled manner.
Vandersteen 5a, with the usual Ayre or Aesthetix or ARC gear (all three were available). Quad 988 side by side ever so slightly veiled in comparison. I will audition 57's soon. Vandys had great imaging, soundstage, and very importantly, suspension of disbelief and disappearing as speakers. Revel Studios and Dunlavy IV's were very close to the above. Magico 5's with EAR electronics and Clearaudio statement.. though the Magicos were indeed stellar...when factoring in price... I call them Stupidos. When 45k Vandy 7's sound reasonable...then electronics prices are entering the realm of tulipmania.