dead quiet

I read this a lot that one's system is dead quiet..Is this at all possible when playing phono? what does it really mean?
Eldarttford, why do you keep advertising IAP (Internet Access Point) at the end of each post when you don't have it operational yet?
I have a modded TD125, 309 arm, Grado cart, integrated amp, battery phono stage,various other tweak-ease, and the custom speaks. Dead quiet with the pedal to the metal, most think it's a 50,000.00 sound. I assure them it is not! It only took me 40 years to get hear. Oh yeah, latest upgrade to the amp's power supply coming soon will take us way beyond even the pinnacle it's at now. Boy, the air is getting rare up here. Need oxygen !!Maybe I can get some from Obama, after he is done filling up all those tires with more air. Quiet, yeah we have quiet and beyond,finally!
Albertporter...It's hard to find any combination of letters which is not already an acronym for something. Do you have a better suggestion for when we go over the top?
I still don't know what IAP stands for in your post.

Typed into my search engine, Internet Access Point is the answer I got, so I made a joke hoping you would clarify.
Albertporter - IAP = "Irrational Audiophile Paranoia" . . it was coined by Eldartford in his first post to this thread.