tonearm accident

I was resoldering my tonearm wires to its external connector until my curiosity (stupid me) led me to unscrew the bottom barrel of my ortofon tonearm..bearings balls escaped (nightmare) and managed to get them all and reinstalled painstakingly.
I am able to play but mistracks(stationary) along the way..
Please advise...too tight? tonearm wires causing this?
There's a tonearm company specializing in this type of work. Located in Athens, Greece they've been in business for many many years.

Google "Testaclees Audio" and tell them you need a re-sack.

Good luck.
thanks to Atm for your emailum...for your insights..I followed your direction..oiled the bearing and wiggled the tonearm wires to lessen tension in the transition area between the arm and the base and and it fixed the problem...a happy ending for my shindo ortofon
I can now go to Athens,Greece and really enjoy it.

You are partially correct.Here is how it really works.When you decide to go Athens,Greece for a re-sack.They remove the balls and attach them to the ears ,so you can wear them as earrings.
George proudly born and raised in Athens,Greece.
08-06-08: Ncarv
I agree with Stringreen. If my balls fell out, I'd want someone to put them back who knew what they were doing.

Its 5:30 am, having coffee and now am laughing my ass off!
This response has made the day for me... Thanks Ncarv!