Acoustic Signature Turntables

Has anyone else experienced any problems with their Acoustic Signature turntable? In particular, I have had major issues regarding the Alpha power supply and related customer support and so just thought I'd look into these problems more widely.

Thanks for your input

Excellent, the Pro 3600 cetainly seems a worthy addition and - assuming I can find some way to try it out first - I will pursue this in the future. I might be able to locate a spare AT666 (with automatic pump) and Jeweltone Crystal Stabilizer. If you're interested please contact me offline.

For now, back to more sound
As some of you might know AS closed down a few months ago due to financial problems. Since I don't have any 1st hand information and don't want to spread rumours, I won't go into details. But all that is irrelevant, since AS has a new owner - as stated on their website. I called them yesterday and they told me everything is up and running again. That includes support and warranty. In addition, my dealer told me that Mr. Frohnhofer is still part of the staff. I just thought this great news should be posted here. Enjoy your fantastic turntables!

Excellent news and thanks for this vital information. It probably explains a lot of the hassle that I have had in correcting faults with the Alpha.

Now we can hopefully all get back to enjoying the detailed bliss that the AS turntable can offer!


If you get a chance, run the Mambo with the Mat1 on it and look at the horisontal profile of the platter, Mat1 and record both with the AS Grip and then the Basis clamp on it. When I do this the contact between the AS Grip combination gives far better area contact (ie, no gap between Mat1 and platter nor record and Mat1. I also think that the different diametres of the two clamps affects this. I'm still experimenting but the AS Grip/Mat1 is currently holding its own.
Dear Auditor: Very good news, thank you for that. Could you give us the current AS email?, thank you in advance.

regards and enjoy the music.