best used VPI table?

Can't afford new, so looking for a used VPI.

Where is the "sweet spot" for cost/sonics, with a reasonable run at upgrades should more money become available?

Am coming from an Oracle Delphi Mk 1,
Which Gyro did you get? How would you compare the sound to your Delphi? Which Delphi did you used to have?

I really like the sound of the Delphi, save for the lightness in the lower end, which was a characteristic of the earliest tables.
I actually compared the Gyro with the VPI - was using the Benz L2 cartridge if I remember correctly. There were a few different cartridges at the time of that audition (some Ortofon's and Benz's), but the L2 was my favorite. The Gyro had an RB300 tonearm with the Tecnoweight and VTA adjustment sleeve, the VPI in that audition was an Aries Black Night, with the 9 inch VPI tonearm.

The Gyro was also compared to the Oracle (in my home), but that was a Mk I.

The Mk V Oracle I have heard in numerous different setups, but never with the L2 cartridge, and not in the same system that I listened to the VPI. I have also auditioned the VPI Scout with a Shelter cartridge, but in a completely different system.

As always, comparing different turntables is an imperfect science, and I don't pretend to have a perfect idea of all the details of how the different tables sound, but I have heard Oracles and VPI's in enough different setups to recognize the inherent differences in their sonic characters. What is clear to me is that someone who likes an Oracle table, might or might not like a VPI - they're very different.
It all depends on the arm and wiring with the VPIs. The arms with the Discovery cable are darker sounding, the Valhalla cabled tonearms are much more open on top.
This is all great info, thanks.

Another thing that I am learning, as I read the old posts here, is that my apartment on the third floor, with suspended wood floors, might favor a suspended TT, instead of a design such as the VPI.

Are there any of the VPI's that are less prone to vibration, or am I better off with a newer Oracle, Gyrodec, or Full Circle?
Try a wall mount turntable stand for this problem. I am a fan of the VPI, and have had the Aries/10, MKII, MKIII, MKIV, and now the Scoutmaster/9, and before, the AR ES1, and Linn LP12. The Scoutmaster has been the best so far, very agile and fast sounding, better at releasing the note. Jallen