Simplifi Audio - DSpeaker 2.0 ultra power supply

Simplifi audio has been the absolute worst audio dealer I've ever dealt with. I bought the $500 power supply for the Dspeaker 2.0 seven months ago - still haven't received it - and he's refused to respond to any calls or emails. Working with paypal to try to get a refund - but he doesn't respond to them either - so taking forever.

I should have known better - had a lousy experience buying the DSpeaker from him as well - took 3 months, but at least I finally got it.

Everyone says what a nice guy Tim is in person - and I'm sure he is - but this is a terrible way to run a business. Stay away from buying from him. Know lots of friends that gave had the same experience.

Anyone else having same issues with them?
Tim helped me extensively back in the fall of 2012. At that time he was learning about the many different and amazing things that the Dual Core can do, and passed on what he found out to me. I use my Dual Core as a full on dac,preamp, and room correction device. At first I thought it sounded hard with the wall wort ps, so I put it on a battery ps and the improvement was very noticeable. A couple of months ago I purchased an Astron SL 11A and it took the Dual Core into another league! It ran me $114.00 delivered to NJ, and all you have to do is make a simple DC power cord.

Tim has been talking for some time about Youtube tutorials for the Dual Core, I guess we'll have to wait and see....
Guys, I just bought the Astron power supply. I was wondering if you are leaving it powered up or shutting it down after listening.
I read the posts above about using the Astron SL-11A with a Dual Core 2.0 and decided to order an Astron power supply. However, because the Dual Core 2.0 is powered at 500ma I decided to order a Astron RS-4A which is 4 amps. They can be found online less expensive that the SL-11A. Just a heads up.
I leave mine powered on all the time also.
Would the Astron be considered digital or analog?
I like to keep them separate.