Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
The drive belt that TW use are not rubber. Apparently they are a mix of compounds specifically made for TW Acustics.

I have read how much you enjoy your VPI table and I hope you don't take my comments on VPI to heart...

However, when you spend 8, 10 or even 13,000 dollars on one of VPI's record players, they should at least have addressed a few basic design problems at these price points.

Just to name a few.
They need to source a better line of motors and get rid of those rubber drive belts.
I know you have the rim drive and I bet its a revelation to what you had before.

Screws do not fasten into MDF well at all.
Gently grip your arm base and give it a light twist left to right, did it move? I would be surprised if it didn't.

The optional super platter should come as standard equipped.

On a lighter note,
heres something for your vinyl collection that will truly astonish you...

Go to posting here in the analogue section titled...
Does The Step 4 Final Rinse For Walker Prelude Help?
Lots of good feedback. It seems though, that many feel the TW-Acustic is worth a serious listen. This I will definitely do! My intention in this thread was not to drum-up bad thoughts on VPI tables; I have had a VPI Scout and for the money I believe that it was a very decent table.

What I am lookng for is the next level up; a table that pushes the current state of the art and that is above everything else, emotionally satisfying. That's why I listen to music! Obviously VPI makes very good products or they would have gone out of business long ago.

From the above, it seems many of you that have had personal experience with both VPI, TW-Acustic, and other tables, agree that the TW-Acustic tables are something special and warrant a personal evaluation!
My VPI 10.5i is solidly affixed to the turntable. There is no movement...I tried hard to move it. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone reading this with a VPI arm has play in the base of their arm.
The drive belt that TW use are not rubber. Apparently they are a mix of compounds specifically made for TW Acustics.

Stiltskin, I guess DPS is sourcing their belts from the same place - from my examination they were awfully similar.
Stickman451, if you are considering alternative tables, take the DPS turntable into account as well. Different flavor than the Raven but equally good. Also, the Galibier and Verdier tables are impressive.