Weird issue with my VPI... please help

I have a VPI Scoutmaster with a Shelter 501 MKII cartridge.

This is fairly new, so cartridge has maybe 40 hours on it.

Imagine a graphic EQ where you pushed the lowest band up full... and did the same to one other band in the upper midrange... and that's what it sounds like.

I thought it was something else in the playback chain, but I've isolated it to the turntable (switched phono stages to be sure). Other sources play fine so it's not the preamp or speakers etc.

Any ideas? I don't know if it's always been like this because when I first got the turntable I had some serious speaker issues where I couldn't hear the difference between any electronics (had a very muddy sound). Now that I have that cleared up (CDs sound great) I can hear the difference between different preamps etc... so I finally sit down to hear what my new vinyl collection actually sounds like... only to find out I have a problem of sorts.

The cartridge was setup by where I bought the turntable.

Any help much appreciated!
Try another cartridge? Even a cheap one will let you know if the problem persists. If not, suspect the Shelter.
I had a Shelter 501 II for a long time and could never get the system balance sounding natural. I changed out everything except the Shelter with no improvement. Then one day I sold the Shelter and bought a Benz. That fixed the problem nicely. Maybe Elusive Disc would swap you out for a different cartridge. Even the less expensive Benz Ace sounded a lot better than the Shelter 501 in my system.

They may tell you it needs more break-in, or to change the loading, etc., but I bet changing the cartridge will be the best fix. I wasted a lot of time and effort trying to get my Shelter to perform respectably but in the end, it never happened. Good luck to you.
I'm thinking it's something in the set-up of the cartridge. Being set up, and then shipped, something could easily have gotten out of whack. It's a good and rewarding thing to learn proper set-up, and not that difficult to do, with the right tools. I, as well as a growing number of members, have found the Mintlp BestTractor to be the most precise tool to use for cartridge/arm effective length, and overhang. They are only about $95, though ti is made specifically for the table/arm you order it for.

I wouldn't want to give up on what may be a good cartridge without knowing the set-up is right first. JMHO

Good luck,

Thanks for all your help.

I am using an Aesthetix Rhea. I forget what gain I am using, but I did read up in both the Shelter and Rhea manuals to determine which gain. Reading up on the Rhea, I tried different loads to see if it would help, but it didn't.

I tried my first turntable (Rega P3-24) and it sounded pretty darn normal, so I'm pretty sure it's the Shelter. It almost sounds like the phase is shifting, like it's not playing one channel consistently. Just happened to play Dream On by Aerosmith and a guitar lick that I know very well that is localized to one channel wasn't even audible. It truly sounds, well, wrong.

I know nothing about turn table setup. Was trying to purchase Michael Fremer's DVD from AcousticSounds for a while now, but it's been backordered. Can anybody point me in the right direction to learn about setup? Where would I buy this Mintlp BestTractor tool?