I spent some time with Doug(deacon) and Paul yesterday and I can report that the speaker integration and what I would call more "holistic" sound are there in spades. Now they also have new speakers (Diamond version B&Ws, 805d I think; replacing non-diamond 805s) so some of what I heard is undoubtedly a result of that change. But the somewhat "analytical" nature of their system has now tipped toward "relaxed" or musical. More precise imaging, wider soundstage, excellent pitch definition in the bass. BTW, we also found that their Tri-P/Univ arm/cart tracked the problem child new Norah Jones live LP just fine. I'm a big fan of hers, so I'm sorry to report that the recording, esp. the bass, is, well there's no other way to put it, TERRIBLE. Paul thinks it was the result of miking they used; I have not idea, but the bass drum esp. was powerful and ill-defined, but with almost a reverb quality to it. Just a gigantic "thump". NO skin, no air, just WHAM!